The weapon’s we teach are as follows:
Bo Staff/ Long Stick (Single and Double)
Short Sticks (Single and Double)
Nanchaku (Single and Double)
Tonfa (Single and Double)
Knife (Single and Double)
Sword (Single and Double)
Chain/ Belt (Single and Double)
Gun self defense

There are three stages for learning a weapon
Weapons vs Bare hands- In this, one fighter will be bare handed, i,e, without any external weapon and other fighter will be with weapon. Bare handed person will have to spar with the person carrying weapon. Both the fighter will have to learn the lot of drills before reaching sparing stage.
Weapon vs same weapon- In this, both fighters will carry the same weapon and will spar with each. Before reaching sparing stage, both fighters will have to learn many drills and has to be skilled in that.
Weapon vs any other weapon like Short Stick vs Knife vs Long Stick vs Sword, etc. - In this, both fighter will carry different weapons and will spar with each other. For example, one fighter may carry long stick and other may carry short stick. Both will have to learn many drills before reaching sparing stage.

Air drills- In this, student is taught to use weapon from different different angles and from different different stances. Student also practices to use weapon in different different directions for multiple opponent fighting.
Tyre Drills- In this, student uses weapon on tyres. Student hits the tyre with full speed and power to develop endurance, stamina and power of the attacks.
Block​ Drills - In this drill, one student hits the other from different different angles and other person blocks all. At little higher stages, instead of blocking, one can evade the attacks too. This help develop basic reflexes of the fighter.
Block hit block drill- In this drill, both are allowed to hit and block each other. But both of the them can give only one strike to opponent at any angle and other opponent will block the same and will strike back one time. This keeps on going for few minutes to develop great reflexes and stamina.
Block block hit hit drill - In this drill, both are allowed to hit and block each other. But both of the them can give only two strike combos to each other at any angles and other opponent will block the same and will strike back with two strike combos. This keeps on going for few minutes to develop better reflexes, stamina and habit of combos.
Technical workout drill- This is more of technique practice rather than workout. One fighter is allowed to hit with full speed and power to other fighter. Other fighter has to take a desired angle with block and has to strike back with combos. Strike must not touch the first fighter instead it should be stopped near his/her body. This requires control practice which is done separately.
Sparing - In this two or even more fighters are allowed to fight each other with protections/ guards on. This should be a light and medium contact sparing. This is done with weapons as well as without weapons.

We provide certified course in perfecting below weapons.​
6 months long stick course
6 months Short sticks course
6 months Knife self defense course
6 months Tonfa course
6 months Nanchaku course
6 months Chain course
6 months Sword course
3 months Pistol self defense course